Super Smash Bros. Fanon

German Forces that served under Hitler during WWII. They were enemies in Medal of Honor and Call of Duty. Now they are enemies in Super Smash Sisters. The Germans when attacked will have different ranks, Wehrmacht Trooper, Wehrmacht Soldier, Wehrmacht Corporal, Wehrmacht Captain, Wehrmacht Sergeant, Wehrmacht Lieutenant, German Mechanic and German Scientist. If beaten, they can drop their weapons for the player to use.

They also bring their ground vehicles to fight against the girls. Panzers are the danger. Unlike in the shooting games, these German vehicles can take lots of hits to kill in normal combat unless the player has an explosive.

When undercover, the Germans will talk to the girls in German and sometimes ask for papers. Officers will blow cover easily.

In the Smash Sisters games, these guys speak German.


  • Unarmed: The unarmed Germans use Muay Thai fighting to fight the girls.
  • Sword: Germans using swords will weakly wield them making them easy targets. The officers wield them in the SW Generic Sword style making them hard.
  • Spear: Germans that use spears will use the Samurai Warriors Generic Spear moveset and be much tougher than normal combat Germans.
  • Luger: Wehrmachts that use Luger pistols are a simple punching bag with guns.
  • Walther P38: Germans that have Walther P38s can be somewhat fast.
  • Gewehr 43: Germans with Gewehr 43s can shoot at you from afar. They won't miss at point blank range.
  • Kar98k: Germans that fire Kar98ks prefer close combat unlike the Gewehr 43 users.
  • MP40: Germans with MP40s are punching bags with normal machine guns.
  • STG44: Germans with STG44 machine guns are much stronger and are very tough to fight alone.
  • FG42: Germans with FG42 machine guns are a big problem. These guns use more ammo than the MP40 and STG44 and can easily kill a girl.
  • MG42: An MG42 German can fill a girl with a lot of lead. After too many rounds, the gun overheats so the Germans are open. An unmounted MG42 is a real danger.
  • MG34: MG34 Germans`can prove a real problem when mounted or carry-able.
  • Panzerfaust: Germans with Panzerfaust bazookas fire powerful rockets that explode on impact. They will have to take time to reload giving girls time.
  • Panzerschreck: Panzershreck Germans are tougher than the ones with the Panzerfaust.
  • Flammenwerfer 35: Germans with Flammenwerfer 35s are a fiery opponent. Their fires are much stronger than Bowser's Fire Breath. If the gas tank is hit, the German using it dies in the explosion.
  • Flak 88: Germans while shooting aircraft will sometimes turn around their big guns to fire at you.
  • Flakvierling: Germans manning the Flakvierling are much stronger on this mounted gun.
  • Stielhandgrenate: Germans with their grenade will walk casually up to the player and throw a Stielhandgrenate then walk off. the grenade ticks 5 seconds while it can be used then explode.
  • Panzer III: Basic tanks of the Germans. Their big guns are somewhat powerful and can chase after players.
  • Panzer IV: Stronger tank of the Germans. They are much faster and fire more powerful shells. And there is a mounted machine gun on top for Germans.
  • Elefant: The Elefant tank is one used against the Russians once. It can resist many hits before being destroyed.
  • Tiger I: This Tiger tank is a strong threat to girls in the game.
  • Tiger II: These Tiger tanks are deadlier.


  • "Amerikanische Infanterie! - "American infantry!"
  • "Amerikanische Spion!" - "American spy!" (exposing an American girl)
  • "Amerikanische Truppen! - "American troops!"
  • "Amis! - "Yanks!"
  • "Angriff! Angriff! - "Attack! Attack!"
  • "Auf diese sowjetischen Bastarde feuern!" – "Fire at the Soviet bastards!"
  • "Besser du als ich, Ami! - "Better you than me, Yank!"(fighting american girls)
  • "Besser du als ich, Kommunistischen Marionette!" - "Better you than me, Communist Puppet!"
  • "Besser du als ich, Engländerin! - "Better you than me, Englishwoman!" (fighting British girls)
  • "Besser du als ich, Krim!" - "Better you than me, Crimean!" (Fighting Crimean girls)
  • "Besser du als ich, Sub-human!" - "Better you than me, Sub-human!"
  • "Bewegung! - "Move it!"
  • "Die Amerikaner kämpfen wie die Franzosen! - "The Americans fight like the French!"
  • "Die Amerikaner sind schwach und ihr Präsident ist ein Krüppel! - "The Americans are weak and their president is a cripple!"
  • "Die Dirne ist mein!" - "The wench is mine!"
  • "Dies ist kein Bereich für Kinder!" - "This is no area for kids!"
  • "Du traust dich zu versuchen, meinen Kopf!" - I dare you to try and take my head!"
  • "Du wirst wissen, wie es zu verwirren's mit uns!" - "You'll know what it's like to mess with us!"
  • "Eindringling!" - "Intruder!" (If a girl's cover is blown.)
  • "Eine Granate! Kommt sofort! - "One grenade! Coming up!"
  • "Elende Ratte!" - "Wretched rat!"
  • "Erster Stock! - "First floor!"
  • "Es wäre besser, gehen Sie zurück und fordern Sie Ihre Freunde, wenn Sie gewinnen wollen!" - "You had better go back and get your friends if you wish to win!" (Generic German officer fighting a lone girl)
  • "Engländerin!" - "Englishwoman!" (when British girls attack them)
  • "Feindliche Infanterie! - "Enemy infantry!"
  • "Feuer frei!" - "Fire at will!"
  • "Fahr zur Hölle!" - "Go to Hell!"
  • "Fahr zur Hölle, du Amerikanischer Bastard! - "Go to Hell, you American bastard!"
  • "Fahr zur Hölle, du russischer Bastard! - "Go to Hell, you Russian bastard!" (taunt to a Russian girl)
  • "Geh nach Hause, Yankee! - "Go home Yankee!"
  • "Gib auf! Wir wissen doch beide, dass du keine Chance hast! - "Give up! Both of us know that you have no chance!"
  • "Gott im Himmel! Es ist Muneshige Tachibana und die Lightning Edge! - "God in heaven! It's Muneshige Tachibana and the Lightning Edge!" (at the first sight of Muneshige and his lightning chainsaws)
  • "Herr, Ich muse sehen, identifikation." - "Sir, i need to see your identification." (Asking for a woman's papers.)
  • "Herr West! Ich hol dich! - "Mister West! I get you!"
  • "Hey, du Idiot! Fang das! - "Hey, you idiot! Take this!"
  • "Hey, du idiot! Fang das hier! - "Hey, you idiot! Take this here!"
  • "Hey, Russe! Hier ist ein Geschenk für dich!" - "Hey, Russian! Here is a gift for you!"
  • "Hey Yankee! Bald liegt deine Frau in meinem Bett, und deine Kinder sprechen alle Deutsch! - "Hey Yankee! Soon your wife lies in my bed, and your children speak German!"
  • "Hey Yankee! Wenn wir den Krieg gewonnen haben, werden eure Kinder Deutsch sprechen! - "Hey Yankee! When we have won the war, your children will be speaking German!"
  • "Hier hast eine Granate, du Kommunisten schwein!" – "Have a grenade, you communist pig!"
  • "Hier! Ein Geschenk von der deutschen Armee! - "Here! A gift from the German army!"
  • "Holen Sie sich ihr Jungs!" - "Get her guys!"
  • "Ich sehe, wir haben einen ungebetenen Gast." - "I see we have an uninvited guest." (blowing a girl's cover)
  • "Ich muss ihre ausweis papiere sehen?" - "I just need to see your papers." (asking for papers)
  • "Ihr Amerikaner seid alle verweichlicht, ihr hab nicht den Hauch einer Chance gegen uns!" - "You Americans are all weak, you did not stand a chance against us!"
  • "Ihre Papiere bitte." - "Your papers please." (wanting a girl's papers)
  • "Ihre Papiere sind in Ordnung." - "Your papers are in order." (accepting the papers)
  • "Jetzt gibt es kein Entkommen!" - "Now there is no escape!"
  • "Kann ich bitte ihre papiere sehen?" - "Can i see your papers please?" (Asking for a girl's papers)
  • "Kommunisten! - "Communists!" (when Germans notice Russian girls attacking them)
  • "Kung-Fu kann nicht einfach eine Waffe!" - "Kung-fu can't beat a gun!"
  • "Lauf weg! Dann lassen wir dich vielleicht am leben, Ami! - "Run away! Then maybe we let you live, Yank!"
  • "Los geht's! - "Here we go!"
  • "Los los los! - "Go go go!"
  • "Mach dich, denn wir die größte Armee in Europa! - "Brace yourself, for we are the greatest army in Europe!"
  • "Machen!" - "Guards!" (if a girl is exposed)
  • "Machen Sie es einfach auf euch!" - "Make it easy on yourselves!"
  • "Mann am Boden! - "Man down!"
  • "Mein Fehler." - "My mistake." (accepting a girl's papers.)
  • "Schau sie dir an Jungs! Nur Fleisch und Blut, nachdem alle! - "Look at her guys! Only flesh and blood after all!" (when the female player character is low on health)
  • "Schick sie zu ihrem Grab!" - "Send her to her grave!"
  • Sie denken, Sie können uns selbst zu nehmen? Was für ein Witz!" - "You think you can take us by yourself?! What a laugh!" (generic generals fighting players alone)
  • "Sie kann nicht gewinnen!" - "She can't win!"
  • "Sie kennen unsere Position!" - "They know our position!"
  • "Sie schießen durch die Wände!" - "They shoot through the walls!"
  • "Sowjetische Truppen! - "Soviet troops!" (fighting Russian girls)
  • "Sperrfeuer! - "Curtain fire!"
  • "Stirb, du Yankee Bastard! - "Die, you Yankee bastard!" (taunting an American girl)
  • "Wachsam bleiben!" - "Stay watchful!"
  • "Warum schaffe ich ihn einfach nicht?" - "Why can't I beat him?"
  • "Wenn du unter der Erde liegst, piss ich auf dein Grab Ami! - "When you lie under the ground, I’ll piss on your grave, Yank!"
  • "Wenn wir hier fertig sind, dann wartet Melior!" - "When we are finished here, Melior awaits!"
  • "Wenn wir hier fertig sind, dann wartet New York! - "When we are finished here, New York awaits!"
  • "Wenn Sie zu wenig, zu Hause bleiben mit Ihrer Mama!" - "If you're too little, stay home with your mommy!"
  • "Wer ist Ihr kommandierender Offizier?" - "Who is your commanding officer?" (Asking for papers from a girl)
  • "Wir haben Mühe, jemanden hier!" - "We got trouble, someone's here!" (Blowing a girl's cover)

These quotes would only be heard in the final levels of the adventure modes of SSS.

  • "Deutschland über alles!" - "Germany over all!"
  • "Es ist noch Leben in uns! - "There is life within us yet!"
  • "Für das Vaterland!" - "For the Fatherland!"
  • "Für den Führer!" - "For the Führer!"
  • "Für die Ehre des Reiches!" - "For the honor of the Reich!"
  • "Gebt euer Leben für das Deutsche Reich!" - "Give your lives for the German Reich!"
  • "Gebt euer Leben für den Führer!" - "Give your lives for the Führer!"
  • "Halten Sie sie von unserem Führer! - "Keep them away from our Fuhrer!"
  • "Wenn wir nach unten gehen, werde ich dich mit mir nehmen! - "If we go down, I'll take you with me!"
  • "Wir werden kämpfen, bis unsere Knochen zu Staub zerfallen!" - "We'll fight until our bones turn to dust!"

